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张 婷/硕导




主要从事研究方向:环境催化, 环境材料



1. “复合脱硫剂的制备及吸附催化法脱除二氧化硫气体的研究”,项目来源:甘肃省教育厅(0703-09),起止时间:2004~2008,项目组第二承担人。该课题被甘肃省科技厅鉴定为国内领先水平,2011年获甘肃省科技进步二等奖。

2. “稀土金属冶炼过程废气治理关键技术研究”,项目来源:甘肃省科技支撑计划(1011GKCA022),起止时间:2011~2012,项目组第二承担人。该课题被甘肃省科技厅鉴定为国际先进水平,2014年获甘肃省高校科技进步二等奖,2015年获甘肃省科技进步二等奖。


[1] Ting Zhang,  Yi Wang, Huan Shi, Wantai Yang. Fabrication and performances of new  kind microencapsulated phase change material based on stearic acid core  and polycarbonate shell. Energ. Convers. Manage. 64(2012) 1–7.

[2] Zhang Ting. Sodium  Dodecyl Benzene Sulfonate (SDBS) degradation by heterogeneous  Fenton-like reactions on two types of catalysts: experimental and  comparison. Res. J. Chem. Environ. 17 (2013) 32-39.

[3] Ting Zhang, Zhongren Nan. Decolorization of Methylene Blue and Congo Red by attapulgite-based heterogeneous Fenton catalyst. Desalin. Water Treat. 57 (2016) 4633-4640.

[4] Ting Zhang*, Minmin Chen, Shu-rong Yu. Decolorization of methylene blueby an attapulgite-based heterogeneous Fenton catalyst: Process optimisation. Desalin. Water Treat., 63 (2017) 275–282.

[5] Ting Zhang*,  Minmin Chen, Yu Zhang, Yi Wang, Microencapsulation of stearic acid with  polymethylmethacrylate using iron (III) chloride as photoinitiator for  thermal energy storage. Chinese J. Chem. Eng. 25 (2017) 1524-1532.

[6] Ting Zhang*,  Jin Liu, Minmin Chen, Yi Wang. Preparation of heterogeneous Fenton  catalyst Fe/organo-attapulgite and its performance in sodium humate  degradation. Desalin. Water Treat. 107 (2018) 91-99.

[7] Ting Zhang*,  Chunyuan Qian, Pengran Guo, Shuchai Gan, Lingyu Dong, Ge Bai and Qiyang  Guo.A Novel Reduced Graphene Oxide-Attapulgite (RGO-ATP) Supported Fe2O3 Catalyst for Heterogeneous Fenton-like Oxidation of Ciprofloxacin: Degradation Mechanism and Pathway. Catalysts. 10 (2020) 189.

[8] Ting Zhang*, Lingyu Dong, Jianhua Du, Chunyuan Qian and Yi Wang. CuO and CeO2 assisted Fe2O3/attapulgite catalyst for heterogeneous Fenton-like oxidation of methylene blue. RSC Adv. 10 (2020) 23431-23439.

[9] Fang Cai*, Ting Zhang*, Qiong Liu, Pengran Guo, Yongqian Lei, Yi Wang and Fuxian Wang. One Step Synthesis of Tetragonal-CuBi2O4/Amorphous-BiFeO3 Heterojunction with Improved Charge Separation and Enhanced Photocatalytic Properties. Nanomaterials. 10 (2020) 1514.

[10] Ting Zhang*,  Tuodi Zhang*, Jing Zhang, Deyi Zhang, Pengran Guo, Hongxia Li , Chunlei  Li, Yi Wang. Design of stearic acid/graphene oxide-attapulgite aerogel  shapestabilized phase change materials with excellent thermophysical  properties. Renew. Energ. 165 (2021) 504-513.

[11] Ting Zhang,  Xingzhi Jin, Quanqing Yan, Shujie Zhao, Yi Wang, Yi Zheng*, Chunlei  Li*. Surface treatment for efficient photocarriers transfer and  separation: A general case of nitric acid activated Bi4Ti3O12. J. Mol. Struct. 1247 (2022) 131329.







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