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简介:张继义,男,1968年出生,理学博士,教授,硕士研究生导师。长期从事干旱区生态恢复、环境污染控制和烟气净化催化的研究。近年来主持和参研国家自然科学基金2项,省基金2项,在《J. Soil. and Sendiments》、《Ecolog. Res.》、《RSC Adv.》、《J. Clus. Sci.》等国际知名刊物发表论文20余篇,其中10篇被SCI/EI检索,同期获得国家发明专利授权2项。1篇论文被国家级中文期刊《生态学报》评为“创刊30年百篇优秀论文”。研究成果获甘肃省科技进步奖二等奖一项,甘肃省环境科技奖三等奖1项。参与出版专著1部。









1.Zhang Jiyi, Gu Pengfei, Li Liyan, et al. Changes of soil particle size fraction along a chronosequence in sandy desertified land: a fundamental process for ecosystem succession and ecological restoration,Journal of Soils and Sendiments, 2016, 16: 2651-2656 (SCI/EI )

2. Zhang Ji-Yi,Wu Ying-Xiang. Changes in diversity and importance of clonal plants during sand dune |succession in northeastern China, ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 2014, 29: 393-399 (SCI/EI )

3. Liyan Li, Weiliang Han, Jiyi Zhang, et al. Controlled pore size of 3D mesoporous Cu-Ce based catalysts and influence of surface textures on the CO catalytic oxidation, Micropor. Mesopor. Mat., 2016, 231, 9-20. (SCI/EI )

4. Liyan Li, Weiliang Han, Jiyi Zhang, et al. Hard-template synthesis of three-dimensional mesoporous Cu–Ce based catalysts with tunable architectures and their application in the CO catalytic oxidation, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 64247–64257 (SCI/EI )

5. Liyan Li, Weiliang Han, Jiyi Zhang, et al. Controlled pore size of ordered mesoporous Al2O3-supported Mn/Cu catalysts for CO oxidation, Micropor. Mesopor. Mat., 2016, 231, 9-20. (SCI/EI )

6. Luyao Zong  Liyan Li, Jiyi Zhang, et al. Synthesis of high dispersion and uniform nano-sized flame retardant-used hexagonal Mg (OH)2, J.Clust.Sci., 2016, 27, 1831–1841. (SCI/EI )

7. Luyao Zong, Fang Dong,Jiyi Zhang, et al. Highly Efficient Mesoporous V2O5/WO3-TiO2Catalyst for Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx: Effect of the Valence of V on the Catalytic Performance. Catalysis Surveys from Asia, 2017, 21: 101-113 (SCI/EI )

8. Luyao Zong, Zhicheng Tang, Jiyi Zhang, et al.Formation process of Flower-like TiO2 and effect on the catalytic performance for selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 343: 500–511 (SCI/EI )

9. Luyao Zong, Zhicheng Tang, Jiyi Zhang, et al. Evolution process of TiO2 shape and effect on the catalytic performance for selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3.Catalysis Surveys from Asia, 2018, 22: 105–117. (SCI/EI )

10. Luyao Zong, Jiyi Zhang, Zhicheng Tang. One pot synthesized CeO2-WO3-TiO2catalysts with enriched TiO2 (001) facets for selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3 by evaporation-induced self-assembly method [J]. (submiting) (SCI/EI )

11. Liyan Li, Weiliang Han,Jiyi Zhang, et al. Controlled pore size of ordered mesoporous Al2O3-supported Mn/Cu catalysts for CO oxidation.Microporous and Mesoporous Material, 2017, 249: 1-9 (SCI/EI )


1.张继义,赵文举.用于干旱半干旱区人工林枝干生物质归还土壤的方法,发明专利:ZL 2013 1 0190679.0

2.张继义,阮东辉.一种草网垫风沙防治的方法,发明专利:ZL 2014 1 0511299.7


1. 国家自然科学基金黄土高原西部丘陵区人工林草植被的生态恢复效应:后续天然植被格局动态与调控机理,主持,结题

2. 国家自然科学基金,压砂地的土壤水分空间格局参研,结题

3. 甘肃省自然科学基金项目秸秆生物碳的制备及其土壤生态效应研究主持,结题

4. 甘肃省自然科学基金项目,纤维素类生物质改性制备有机物吸附剂的研究,主持,结题

5. 中石油天然气管道有限公司项目,荒漠和黄土高原脆弱生态区植被恢复与环境保护关键技术研究及应用研究,参研,在研


1. 豆卫;韩天虎;苏永中;张继义 河西沙化草地恢复重建技术研究与示范推广, 甘肃省科技进步奖二等奖,甘肃省人民政府, 2008年8月

2. 张继义;赵哈林;张铜会;赵学勇,科尔沁沙地植物群落恢复演替系列种群生态位动态特征,《生态学报》30年(1981-2010)百篇优秀论文奖,《生态学报》编辑委员会,2011.8

3.张继义;王利平;梁丽萍;蒲丽君,纤维素类生物质改性制备有机物吸附剂的研究, 甘肃省环境科技三等奖,甘肃省环境科学学会,2013.11 

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